Robotic Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Croak is one of an elite group of surgeons in the Toledo area who have completed a rigorous training program allowing him to offer daVinci robotic surgery to his patients. He is now listed as a recommended daVinci surgeon by Intuitive, the parent company that created this innovative robotic surgery equipment.

Top toledo area surgeon Dr. Croak has successfully completed more than 1,000 robotic surgeries. In this article he answers his patients’ most frequently asked questions about robotic surgery.

What is robotic surgery?

Robotic surgery is among the most minimally-invasive surgical methods. The use of robotic assistance enables the surgeon to use the smallest incisions possible – which reduces pain and speeds recovery.

The daVinci surgical system provides surgeons with a magnified, high-definition 3D view of the surgical area, as well as extremely precise robotically assisted instruments.

Many people incorrectly assume that a robot performs the surgery, but the daVinci system does not move on its own. Rather, it is controlled by the skilled surgeon whose hand movements are translated into minute, precise movements of miniscule robotic instruments.

Why is it called daVinci robotic surgery?

daVinci is the brand name of the manufacturer of this innovative, state-of-the-art, robotic surgical system. They derived their moniker from 15th century inventor and artist Leonardo da Vinci – whom most people know as the painter of the Mona Lisa. However, Leonardo da Vinci also contributed greatly to early advancements in the understanding of human anatomy, And, he designed the first documented robot in history, all the way back in 1495!

Is robotic surgery better than traditional surgery?

Traditional “open” pelvic and reproductive surgeries typically require incisions several inches long that result in visible scarring. However, robotic surgery generally only requires a few very small incisions, which are usually only about 1-2 centimeters (about 1/2 inch) in length.

And because the incisions are smaller – and less tissue is disturbed by the precise, tiny instruments – robotic surgery is significantly less painful than other, more invasive surgeries. Robotic surgery also results in much less blood loss, which in turn means less need for blood transfusions. Additionally, smaller incisions offered by robotic surgery mean less scarring.

Robotic surgery also results in fewer complications during surgery, including a much lower risk of infection. And, robotic surgery patients also enjoy shorter hospital stays, as well as faster recovery periods, allowing them to return to their daily activities much more quickly.

Which women’s surgeries can be performed with robotic surgery?

The best surgical method for an individual patient will depend on many factors. However, robotic surgery can be used to replace almost every “open” gynecologic surgical procedure. Dr. Croak has performed hundreds of hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), and myomectomy (fibroid and cyst removal) surgeries using daVinci robotic surgery.

daVinci Robotic Surgery can also be used to perform pelvic prolapse surgery, sacrocopopexy, and endometriosis resection (to remove adhesions, lesions, scars, and tissue.)

Toledo area top surgeon Dr. Croak also uses robotic surgery to perform trachelectomies, cystotomies, fallopian tubal reanastomosis, and a wide variety of other women’s surgical procedures.

What is the recovery time after robotic surgery?

The recovery period after robotic surgery varies from procedure to procedure, and even from patient to patient. After robotic surgery, however, most patients are able to return home in just a day or two. This is much shorter than most traditional “open” gynecologic surgeries which often require a hospital stay of  3-5 days.

Similarly, most traditional “open” surgical procedures have a recovery time in the 4 to 6 week range. But recovery from daVinci robotic surgery drastically decreases the recovery period to as little as a few days.

Is robotic surgery covered by insurance?

daVinci robotic surgery is covered by most widely held insurance plans as well as Medicare. daVinci robotic surgery is classified as a robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (MIS), so it is typically covered by any insurance plans that cover other minimally invasive surgeries. As with any surgery,  specific coverage depends on the patient’s health insurance plan. Our caring staff will work with you to help you determine your insurance coverage.

Gynecologic Robotic Surgery  – Toledo, OH

If you require gynecologic surgery, contact Toledo area surgeon Dr. Croak to schedule a consultation. At the gynecology and urogynecology practice of Dr. Andrew Croak, we offer the latest advancements in women’s health – including robotic gynecologic surgery – to help ensure the fastest and most successful recovery for every patient.

daVinci Robotic Surgery Toledo, OH: 419-893-7134